Hi, I'm Nick from Career Development, welcome. We are excited to speak to students and parents. Our Department Career Development offers a lot of exciting services and resources for students. We work with all students from freshman year, through seniors, and even after graduation. So we like to make students aware, utilize us early and often don't wait until your senior year. Some of those services include everything from helping you with that basic thing like your resume or cover letter, to finding an internship or ultimately finding a job. And I like to tell students, we like to help you find the job that you want, not just any type of job. So I think we're very successful. And we also help students with the stuff in between with your interview. And also very importantly, think helping you figure out what you want to do. If you're trying to figure out your major, we can help you with that. If you're trying to figure out what you want to do with your major. We help students with that all the time. And we have a number of great resources available for students, including the Career Development website, which has a lot of wonderful tools, tips and information on there, including those topics I just mentioned. Resume writing, cover letters, interviewing, job and internship stuff. And if you want to see where some of our alumni are working, you can go on there and see a list of job titles and the names of employers so you get an idea what graduates are working in depending upon their major. And then also you can check out our exclusive job posting system called Handshake, which is one of the best college job searching websites and has 10s of 1000s of internships and jobs everywhere from California, to Pennsylvania and even overseas too. So as you see we have a number of tools that can help you as a freshman, all the way through even after you graduate. If you have any questions, please reach out to us you could stop by in person and the Keiss Library. Casey and myself. Casey is also in Career Development. We're all the way down on the left side, or please visit our website or you can email us. The email is cd [c for career d for development] @gmercyu.edu.